Blog – Conservation Music

Announcing Earthsong!

The team behind Conservation Music is very excited to announce Earthsong, a brand new 501c3 public charity! Earthsong is the culmination of four years of learning, experimentation, research, and experience on the part of Conservation Music’s founder, team, and the communities we serve.

Summit reached, gratitude, and new beginnings… please read!

Summit reached, gratitude, and new beginnings… please read!

  Mission Accomplished! All composition, recording, and filming for Expedition #K2K’s 13 songs and videos are complete, and we have successfully completed our sea to summit journey from Cape Town’s drying coast to Tanzania’s melting glacier. We are so grateful for all of the support we have received along the way, we could not have […]

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – The Mountain

We’re Back! We have missed you! Here is where we’ve been and who we’ve worked with…we can’t wait to share the finished results with you soon! If you would like to contribute to Conservation Music‘s (CM) Expedition #K2K, please visit our Patreon page, where you can schedule monthly donations of any amount, or make a single […]

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – Lusaka, Zambia

Conservation Music Calls for Change in Zambia At the start of November, Conservation Music (CM) landed in Lusaka, Zambia, to continue Expedition #K2K. On the trek over from Harare, Zimbabwe, we stopped in Kafue, a small town outside of Lusaka, to spend time at the Amos Youth Centre (AYC) for several days. We were linked […]

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – Mambanje, Zimbabwe

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – Mambanje, Zimbabwe

Conservation Music Galvanizes Mambanje, Zimbabwe to Support Conservation In early September, Conservation Music (CM) headed to the Mambanje village of Zimbabwe for the next leg of Expedition #K2K. We were invited by the African Bush Camps Foundation (ABCF) to build awareness and conversation within the community by focusing on deforestation, poaching, and ABCF’s Mobile Cattle […]

Field Notes: Expediton #K2K – Okavango Delta, Botswana

Field Notes: Expediton #K2K – Okavango Delta, Botswana

CM Highlights Transboundary Water Issues in the Okavango Following a thriving month in Pretoria, South Africa, Conservation Music (CM) headed to Botswana to combat transboundary water issues in the Okavango Delta for Expedition #K2K. We gathered artists from Gaborone and then headed to Maun, where we set off in mekoro (traditional canoes) for a four […]

Conservation Music’s 2018 Mid-Year Review

Conservation Music’s 2018 Mid-Year Review

Welcome to our 2018 Mid-Year Review! As a global community, it is our responsibility to take care of one another and the planet that we all inhabit together. Over the past six months at Conservation Music (CM), we have continued to empower music as a tool to spread this message across the globe and radiate […]

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – Pretoria, South Africa

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – Pretoria, South Africa

Exploring Climate Issues in Pretoria For the month of June, Conservation Music (CM) headed to Pretoria, South Africa to complete Leg 4 of Expedition #K2K. Through the month, we worked with Greenpeace Africa and Projekt 23 – Greening Our Communities to spread environmental awareness throughout the cities, create eco-music, and educate the younger generations to […]

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – Tlokoeng, Lesotho

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – Tlokoeng, Lesotho

Exploring Climate Issues in Lesotho Conservation Music (CM) kicked off leg two of Expedition #K2K with a 12-hour drive from Cape Town, South Africa to Maseru, Lesotho. A few weeks prior to our arrival, Lesotho’s climate swung from harsh droughts to historic rain and hail storms, highlighting exactly why we are here. Our focus for […]

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – Cape Town, South Africa

Field Notes: Expedition #K2K – Cape Town, South Africa

Preparing for the Expedition A week prior to March, Alex Paullin, our Founder at Conservation Music (CM), landed in Africa to lay groundwork and prepare for Expedition #K2K, a 13-month sea-to-summit caravan from Cape Town’s drying coast to Tanzania’s melting glacier. Throughout the expedition, our plans are to develop thirteen new globally inspiring educational songs […]

Conservation Music’s Expedition #K2K

Conservation Music’s Expedition #K2K


2017: A Landmark Year for Conservation Music

2017: A Landmark Year for Conservation Music

Welcome to our Review of 2017! Dear friends and colleagues, Alex Paullin here, Founder of Conservation Music (“CM”) and National Geographic Explorer. It is with the utmost of gratitude and respect that I’m writing this letter today. It’s certainly a long time coming… the first month of 2018 has already nearly passed us by! Needless to say, […]

Field Notes: Conservation Music Gains Momentum

Field Notes: Conservation Music Gains Momentum

CM’s Field Crew Grows With a solid experience at GreenPop’s Festival of Action in the books, we took advantage of the remaining time in Johannesburg, South Africa to plan the next stages of Conservation Music’s (CM) trek. Not only were there big projects on the horizon, but Bryan Murphy, CM’s Field Photographer from the United States, was […]

Field Notes: Conservation Music Teams Up with GreenPop in Zambia!

Field Notes: Conservation Music Teams Up with GreenPop in Zambia!

On The Road to Zambia After wrapping up an amazing, yet enduring week at the Bushfire Festival, the Conservation Music (CM) crew geared up for their next adventure to Livingstone, Zambia. Greenpop, an environmental non-governmental organization (NGO) based out of Cape Town, South Africa, invited CM to contribute to this year’s Zambia Festival of Action. […]

Field Notes: Conservation Music in Swaziland, Bring Your Fire!

Field Notes: Conservation Music in Swaziland, Bring Your Fire!

The Crew Travels to the Bushfire Festival In the final weeks of May, the crew said their goodbyes to Maseru, the beautiful capital of Lesotho. Having lived, worked, and socialized there for the past month and a half, Alex and Chris had begun to feel at home. However, they were thrilled to embark on the […]

Conservation Music Lands in Maseru

Conservation Music Lands in Maseru

With sore shoulders and tired legs, completely weighed down by our gear and equipment, we ambled into Maseru like pack mules. It is still difficult to catch my breath and decipher my thoughts and feelings about this place. As an outsider with a callow amount of international experience, the warmth and camaraderie is present enough […]

A Harmonious Resistance Creates Global Solidarity for Standing Rock

A Harmonious Resistance For more than a year, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has been at war with natural gas’s close comrade, Energy Transfer Partners (ETP), over the development of the controversial $3.8 billion Dakota Access Pipeline, which has frequently been referred to as “DAPL.” (Many resistance members call it “the Black Snake.”) The approved project […]

On Returning to America

On Returning to America

It’s been two months since I arrived near Washington, D.C. to be greeted by my family. This has been a tumultuous time in America. Civil liberties are churning, ebbing and flowing as outraged citizens march to protect them and an unwilling government seeks to rescind them. National lands being made ripe for the picking by […]

CMP Month In Review : August 2016

CMP Month In Review : August 2016

Featured Photo by Thalefang Charles for Cross Okavango Delta Expedition. Okavango, Okavango, Okavango… The Conservation Music Project glided into August aboard a mokoro, a week after launching from its birthplace of Seronga with the Cross Okavango Delta Expedition (CODE) on July 25th. It was a scramble to reset and repack in Johannesburg after arriving from […]

Our Mission

Through the catalytic power of music, we confront environmental breakdown and humanitarian disaster in the developing world and beyond.

Our Vision

A global community that stewards the Earth, in which the memorable, emotional, and unifying power of music contributes to the balance between humankind, nature, and society.

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